Joint Job Evaluation Committee and Job Description Updates

The Joint Job Evaluation Committee (JJEC) has begun working on updating all of the CUPE job descriptions. The committee is composed of 4 representatives from CUPE and 4 from the employer, plus one alternate each.

In the coming weeks, we will be reaching out to you all to provide us with feedback to help ensure that the job descriptions reflect your current job duties and responsibilities (if you are not on our e-mail and newsletter lists, please reach out to us to get added).

Most of the current job descriptions can be found at

We were told the employer gathered information from most of you in the spring as part of the process. Even If this is the case, we still want and need to hear from you!

This also is part of The Provincial Joint Job Evaluation Program that was first initiated during bargaining of the 2014-2019 Provincial Framework Agreement, which was renewed in 2020 and 2022. The purpose of the Provincial Job Evaluation Plan is to implement and maintain a standardized method of measuring and classifying support staff jobs across BC public school districts.

To do our part, we need to make sure our job descriptions are up-to-date and accurate.

If you would like more information on the whole process, please visit