Executive and Stewards

Your CUPE 748 Executive Team

​These are the members who work hard and volunteer their time to help your Union thrive! All contact information for the executives can be found on your CUPE board at your work site. If your location does not have the numbers posted, you can email the Secretary at cupesec748@gmail.com. Due to privacy on the internet, some executives do not wish to have their numbers and emails posted on the webpage.

Michelle Bennett
Cell: 250-505-2712

Vice President, East:
Rena Bens

Vice President, West:
Kathy Centrone

Robin Sheppard

Anne Cavicchi

Lead Steward:

Shop Stewards:
Stacey Finley stacefinley@gmail.com
Tracie Schalla
Alicia Martin
Candi Jones

Area Reps:

Nelson – Pat St.Pierre
Kaslo – Bob Reimer
Slocan Valley – Cindy Martin
Crawford Bay – Shannon May
Creston – Carol Sanders
Salmo – Janet Pierce

Safety Reps:
Alicia Martin

Membership Officers:
Arlene Anderson

Dervila O’Dowd
Shelia Rae
Cheyenne Schielke
Susan Kosinec

What do we do?

President – 2 year term

  • Involved with CUPE National, Local Unions, and Executive Boards
  • Bargaining
  • Sub-Locals
  • Attend various meetings when needed both locally and provincially
  • Preside at all membership and executive meetings
  • Decide points of order and procedure
  • Have signing authority and be bonded
  • Oversee all other executives

Vice President – 2 year term

  • Assist the President
  • Assist other executives
  • Attend various committee meetings and council meetings
  • Represent the Local when necessary, locally and provincially
  • Attend meetings

Secretary – 2 year term

  • ​Minutes at executive and member meetings
  • Record and keep Correspondence
  • Website
  • Duties as needed by President and VP’s
  • By-laws
  • Bursaries – Circulation, collection and notices
  • Signing Authority

Treasurer – 2 year term

  • Receive all revenue, initiation fees, dues, and assessments
  • Ensure that the Local funds are used only as authorized or directed by the bylaws, budget, or motion passed by the membership
  • Be responsible for maintaining all financial records of the local
  • Make a full financial report to meetings of the Local Executive Board
  • Make a written financial report to each regular membership meeting
  • Be responsible for payment of bills

Shop Stewards (10 positions: 8 area stewards, 2 EA stewards) – 1 year term

  • Assist in the grievance process
  • Be knowledgeable of the Collective Agreement
  • Membership engagement
  • Promote your union
  • Attend select committee meetings
  • Communicate with other Executives
  • Provide written reports

Lead Shop Steward (1 position: voted from the 10 stewards) – 1 year term

  • Assist the Shop Stewards
  • Report Grievances
  • Attend Meeting
  • Provide necessary reports

​​Area Reps 6 – 1 year term

  • Represent your area
  • Attend meetings
  • Attend appointed meetings
  • Communicate with PAC in your area
  • Be a member of the By-law and Policy Committee
  • Communicate between executive board and membership
  • Ensure communication during strike/lockout
  • Present reports
  • Assist Executive when necessary
  • Communicate with other union members / promote the union
  • Sit on committees as directed by the executive
  • Forward news pertaining to the Union or SD8 news to the Secretary

Trustees – 4 positions – 1, 2, and 3 year terms

  • Audit books of Treasure
  • Make a written report of their findings and recommendations and/or concerns