If you need help, EFAP is available. This is a confidential, full-service Employee Assistance Program and work-life/wellness resource.
LifeWorks is provided to you and your dependents at no additional cost to you, as an employee benefit.
LIFE: Stress/Overload, Anxiety, Depression, Grief/Loss, Community Resources
FAMILY: Parenting, Separation/Divorce, Blended Families, Caring for Older Adults, Education
MONEY: Saving/Investing, Debt Management, Estate Planning/Wills, Home Buying/Renting
WORK: Work Relationships, Job Stress/Burnout, Managing People
HEALTH: Fitness/Nutrition, Sleep, Addiction/Recovery, Smoking Cessation
More details are available at https://sd8bcca.sharepoint.com/sites/HumanResources2/SitePages/EFAP.aspx